Saturday, June 11, 2011


There are three people in this photo, one of which is me.

Of the other two, one is a senior enlisted Airman, whom I admire and respect greatly.  He leads from the front and I would fight alongside him any time, any where.

The other is an enormous idiot who, during training, frequently lost control, screamed, "GET THE F*CK OUT OF HERE" over the radio and attempted to leave fellow Airmen and Afghan Soldiers behind.  He was like a giant pimple on the collective ass of our class and mainly served to make us all miserable.  Of course, he believes he is God's gift to the military and boasted of his extensive combat skills (which he could never back up -- for example, he barely qualified on all live-fire weapons and threw the training hand grenades nowhere near the target but towards students and instructors).  He is also a graduate of the same place I received my MBA...

Can you guess which is which?

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